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Sparkling Ice's shoppable store locator display on a mobile phone and laptop

At Pear, we hire the best and then take really good care of them. We want you to grow here, and believe hiring and keeping world-class talent is a true competitive advantage. To be clear, our team is not a family. It’s a group of insanely talented and kind people that work tirelessly (but not like on the weekend or evenings) to make Pear better than it was yesterday.

But, enough about us. Ready to tell us your story?

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Senior Software Engineer
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The Retail Ecommerce Playbook by Pear Commerce

Your guide to capturing greater share of wallet at retail.

Five years ago, retail ecommerce didn’t exist. Today, supporting the channel is table stakes for consumer packaged goods brands.

This playbook is designed to guide CPG brands from the stages of awareness to purchase at retail. Whether you’re interested in retail ecommerce as a new channel opportunity or looking to level up existing efforts, The Retail Ecommerce Playbook covers tools, tips, and examples to help your brand succeed.