Is your marketing strategy fighting fires or planting a forest?

Learn how to create a symbiotic marketing strategy that supports both your long- and short-term goals using retail ecommerce

Short-term and long-term goals are essential components of any brand’s marketing efforts.

Short-term goals are mini milestones that are set to be accomplished in the near future – today, tomorrow, next week, next month. Defining short-term key performance indicators (KPIs) provides a quick window into what works and what does not, giving your brand the ability to pivot or scale up/down on certain efforts (e.g. digital ad campaigns) in real time.

Long-term goals, on the other hand, extend over a lengthier and defined period of time, painting the bigger picture of your business strategy. These might include increasing sales X% in the next 12 months, launching into X number of new retailers in the next two years, engaging a new target audience of shoppers, etc.

Short-term marketing goals will always be a necessary part of your brand’s marketing strategy. They serve as recurrent indicators of whether you are on the right track to reach your next milestone, and can be easy (and exciting) to put more resources toward when things are trending positively.

What’s important to remember, however, is that micro KPIs must impact macro goals in order to scale your brand. By prioritizing quick-wins and losing sight of your long-term strategy, short-term success will be short-lived.

Are your marketing efforts fighting fires or planting forests?

Creating a symbiotic marketing strategy with retail ecommerce

Traditional CPG brands used to be left in the dark when it came to running efficient performance marketing tactics. Unlike direct-to-consumer brands that could access full-funnel data instantly, CPGs selling at retail lacked the ecommerce sales data to understand which creative, copy, products, and audiences drove the most in-store purchases. Unsurprisingly, this made creating a marketing strategy that relied on short-term KPIs to fuel long-term goals…difficult.

Fortunately, retail ecommerce platforms–like Pear–now give omnichannel CPGs the infrastructure, closed-loop data, and seeds needed to plant a flourishing hybrid marketing strategy.

Short-term strategies

  1. Make everything shoppable. Use Pear’s suite of shoppable tools - including store locators, shoppable pages, landing pages, and direct to cart links - to enable shoppability on all of your organic and paid social content. Include links to your store locator on organic social posts, in comments to followers, as part of your linktree in social bios, within recipe blogs, as a link in influencer/creator content, and any other opportunity to make every potential shopper aware of where (and how) they can purchase your products.
  2. Offer rebates for new customers. Capture new consumers by buying a shopper’s first product using rebates on shoppable landing pages. Once they’ve purchased, add them to your newsletter and deliver educational content that familiarizes them with your brand and other products.
  3. Retarget abandoned carts. Build audiences of everyone who added your products to cart and retarget with coupons or discounts to incentivize purchases.
  4. Integrate with any ad network to leverage their automatic optimizations. By adding your ad network pixels to all shoppable tools, Pear’s technology will automatically make your ads better by firing pixel events back to the ad networks for each step of the funnel ( zero additional work for your brand).

Long-term strategies

  1. Leverage your digital audience of retailer shoppers for consistent and scalable growth. Once you’ve built a sufficient audience pool of Impressions, Retailer Visits, Add-to-Carts, and Purchases from your shoppable tools, all future marketing efforts are pre-optimized for the most effective targeting possible.
  2. Successfully launch new products at retail. Capturing insights to understand shopper behavior and building audiences off of your shoppable tools gives your brand the ability to launch new product campaigns that are automatically set up for success at retail. Know which markets will respond positively to new products and use your Retailer Visits audiences to target specific shoppers for the launch.
  3. Drive sales velocity at specific retailers to strengthen existing partnerships and engage new partners. By using a combination of shoppable single-retailer landing pages and direct to cart links, your brand can maximize Retailer Visits and Add-to-Carts at preferred retailers. Use this data in case studies to engage new retail partners.

Looking to unlock performance marketing through retail ecommerce for your brand? Get in touch with Pear to schedule a demo

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